Saturday, March 30, 2013

Finally... the travels begin

  Now that we have that first day behind us, we are comfortably in our groove.  We packed up this morning (after finally getting our baggage delivered at 1:30 in the morning) and headed off to Ayutthaya
  Ayutthaya was at one time the capital city of Thailand, which was then known as Siam.  The city has over four hundred temples and ruins and three palaces. 
 Looks like there will a ton of things to see and do here during the next two that we are staying here.  If the temperature stays like it was today, we are in for some hot ones.

 As soon as we got here we felt comfortable with our surroundings and we have a great room in a really funky guesthouse.  The hosts are super friendly and are treating us like we are visiting their home.  They greeted us with a cool beverage when we arrived and had cookies and fruit set out for us and after we returned from a boat excursion this afternoon they were waiting with a plate of refreshing watermelon.

 Today we wondered into the town centre to buy a memory card for one of the cameras and to have look around.  It was hot enough and far enough to bring on the first foot blister.  Aside from that it was neat to see the goings on of the daily street market... everything you can think of and few you can't were there to purchase.  Throws you off a bit to see the meat sitting out in the heat with flies and who know what else cruising around.  After a bit of a rest up we went to the night market to see what was there.  We ate some great street vendor food and really enjoyed watching them prepare it right there in front of us.  Our total cost for our meal worked out to almost $4 for the both of us, including a coconut ice cream dessert.

Plan is to get up early tomorrow morning and visit some more temples before it get to hot out.  Boy, is it nice to complain about the heat... eh eh eh!

Friday, March 29, 2013

We're Here!!!! Traveling is enjoyable but it is not always fun.

FINALLY.... Well we are here and that is a good thing.  Getting here wasn't so good though.  Our friend Bob got us to the airport in plenty of time and thank goodness for that.  We get to the check in and are informed that the flight on our intinerary does not exist.  Boy are we ever happy >>>not<<<<
THANKFULLY.... a couple of exceptional Air Canada counter personel got on the case for us and about 1 and 1/2 hours later had us on our way again.  A slightly different route but it got us to San Francisco on time to link up with our flight to Tokyo and onward to Bangkok.
Ringggg.... that was our phone and a call letting us know our baggage is here (twenty five hours after we got here).  It was a hot day in Bangkok, not a day for blue jeans.  Luckily we had t-shirts in our carry-on bag so we survived the day.

Nice to be back here again.  The new (to us) skytrain from the airport to downtown is now in service and boy does that make a nice difference.  About twenty minutes and you are there.  Did a lot of walking around once we were downtown and checked out tomorrows transportation to Ayutthaya.  Looking forward to our visit there.  We haven't been there before so it should be interesting with lots of temple ruins and stuff.  We'll get lots of pictures and post some here for next time.
 Bangkok seems to get easier each time we come back.. the traffic is a lot more sane each time we visit and getting around is so much better.  The large MBK shopping centre has been reconfigured and we thought a much better shopping experience.  Didn't buy much but walk kms. looking around.
Came back to our hotel out by the airport with plans to have a short nap and go out for something to eat and checkout the street market... great plan but here it is two o'clock in the morning and we have just woken up about and hour ago or so and everything in the area except the Tesco store and 7-eleven are closed.  The body hasn't changed its internal clock yet!

Looking forward to posting some interest travel stuff on the next blog entry with some pictures to go with it.  Talk to you soon.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Test loading of some pictures... better to figure this out before we go.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Heading Out

Three years have past and we are heading back to Thailand for another visit.  We plan to visit some different places and a couple of favourites from previous visits.  We hope you will join us by following our blog.  We will try to keep it interesting, up to date and whenever we can, we will add some pictures.