Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Can You Believe It? Another Upgrade

Twice in one trip, we've been upgraded to a better room.  Put that together with the fact that we are now on one of the nicest (we think) islands there is, and you have got yourselves some very happy travelers.  More about that later, first we'll finish off on giving you the low down on Hau Hin.

Hau Hin was a lot nicer city than Pattaya, not as crazy busy as Bangkok and more obviously a tourist town.  Loaded with "farang" (foreigners), mostly German and a  of just about every other nationality including a couple of Canadians.  There is currently a bit of a real estate boom going on in Ha u Hin and there are all sort of housing projects going on.  Most of them are aimed at the visitors that may be considering relocation.  As mentioned in the previous posting, we looked at a few but we are now thinking that we'll see what Koh Samui and Krabi have to offer.  It truly is beautiful over here and the people are very friendly but it is a long way from home and we would have to think about the isolation from friends and family... lot to think about.
Hau Hin Train Station


Hau Hin Shores
Fisherman's Wharf Hau Hin

Anyway, enough about that and more about the traveling.. we finished our time in Hau Hin and decided to take a bit longer but more scenic route to Koh Samui.  We boarded a tourist bus that packed with other holidayers and rode it down to a place called Champon.  Long trip in a moderately comfortable and only somewhat clean bus. We were glad when that part was done with.  We then boarded a Catamaran fast ferry for the trip across the Sea of Siam.  About 3 hours and we arrived at Koh Tao, a place we had been before with John and Bev and Gerald and Edna about three years ago.
Koh Tau Boat Docks
Off Loading Passengers

 The boat offloaded quite a large number of people but loaded on even more for the continuation journey to Koh Samui.  All in all, it was an interesting trip, abet a long one.

Koh Tao

Once we arrived here we had transportation booked to the hotel... what a joy to get here.  The hotel is situated on a hillside overlooking the ocean and the outlying islands.

They apologized to us and told us that the room we had booked was not available and that they wanted to upgrade us... we cooperated.

View from our Room

Sunrise At Koh Samui
Pool and Restaurant
We think they gave us the nicest suite in the complex, directly across from the pool, adjacent to the restaurant and an unobstructed view of the bay below us.

If there were anything that might be a negative, it would be the up and down the hill to get from one place to another... not a big deal except for the extra exercise in the heat.  Check out this website for an idea of where we arehttp://www.mantrasamui.com

We decided to just spend a day or so relaxing at the resort after all the traveling.  Maybe tomorrow we will take a trip down to the beach or into the town.. the nice thing is, we are on holidays and can do what ever we want!!!  

Strangely nice is the fact that there are a lot of Brits at this resort and it is kind of nice to hear a little English being spoken.  Go figure?

We have a few more pictures of Hau Hin for you and a few from here - enjoy!

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