Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Internet that Works!

Unfortunately it is not that uncommon to have the Internet go down here without explanation, and such is the case the last couple of nights in Ayutthaya.  We're having a great time here and admittedly we are succumbing to the heat somewhat.  It Has Been Hot!!  Somewhere in the mid forties during the day and  the mid thirties in the evening.  We can't let a little thing like that hold us back.

 Sunday we took a walking excursion through the temple ruins that are just across the street from our guesthouse.  Some beautiful sites to be seen... everywhere in the city you go to there are more ruins.  The city has grown up around them.  Hard to imagine that they have gotten so used to them that they are nothing special to them.

Being Sunday was crazy around here because the excursion buses from Bangkok started to show up with thousands of tourists for the quickie tour.  They all get dropped at the same spot and that is where the circus begins... long lineups of people wanting to go on the 15 minute elephant ride up and down the street, hawkers selling the usual touristy crap..  absolutely crazy.  Makes one feel like they are back in Bangkok.  Anyway, despite all that we had a great time taking in the ruins.  Just stayed away from the crowds.

Shelly and I talked about what was here and decided that if someone were coming to this part of the world and wanted to save a thousand or two.. they could come here instead of going to Siem Reap in Cambodia to see Angkor Wat.  Not as large a scale here but equally impressive.

On Monday we rented a motor bike and branched out and got to go to some of the out of the way temples.  It was even hotter this day than what we experienced so far.  After about 5 hours of scooting about we threw in the towel so to speak and headed home to the guesthouse and snuck in a cool shower.  In the evening we returned to the night market where we had been the night before and picked up our supper.  We are really getting into the "street food" swing of things.  After the initial overwhelming feeling we had the first night, it has become fun to wander through the hundreds of vendors selling their specialities.  If it looked interesting, we'd try it.  Have to say that we enjoyed it all.  Best of all, the price.  We were spending on average $4 for both of us a night for dinner usually made up of sushi dishes, fish and crab cakes, fresh spring roll type wraps, chicken skewers, flavourful soups and treats for dessert.  We'll have some pictures once we get a card reader for the other camera.
Our Guesthouse Hosts

Kinda sad to leave the guesthouse, but it is now Tuesday and we are off to Pattaya.
Our Guesthouse Patio


More Temple Pictures

Pattaya is a lot busier type of tourist town on the beach and loaded with bars, massage places of "all types" and plenty of action.   Big surprise for us was the hotel.  We had gotten a pretty good deal on the Agoda website but the best was to come... they upgraded us to a suite on one of the top floors.  The place is huge with two bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, large living room and a great bedroom.. Probably 900-1000 square feet.  Right now we are just sitting back with me doing the blog and Shelly with her reader.  We'll wait for it to cool down a bit and then head out to check the town.  Pictures to follow.

Hope you are enjoying the blog and the pictures.  Send a comment or email if you like, we'd be happy to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures Bruce:) I'm enjoying your blog very much, kinda makes me feel like I'm their.
    Sounds extremely hot !! Be careful, and drink lots!. (sorry, it just the "momma" in me :)
