Monday, April 22, 2013

Wrap up.. Back Home Again

Well, it's all over... sadly.  Never seem to get used to a holiday coming to an end, even though it is nice to come home to your own bed and the comfort of your own home.  One very nice thing is that we came home to some pretty nice weather.. makes the transition a little easier.  Got home Saturday.. the same day we left Thailand.. left Thailand at 6:00 in the morning and were home in Victoria at 1:01pm the same day.  We only saw about 2 hours of nighttime in 28 hours of traveling.  Traveling toward the sun rise really messes up the body's internal clock.  Once we got home we tried to stay up until at least early evening... only made it to about 5pm.  Sunday was a day of off and on naps intermixed with Shelly going grocery shopping and my cutting the grass that had made its way into a mini jungle while we were gone.  Today, got up and drove Shelly to work and the routine has started again.

All in all, we really enjoyed the holiday... saw lots, did enough and really got to relax.  Even though we were gone for 3 1/2 weeks, it seemed to last a lot longer.  We felt like it was almost equal to our 7 week visit to this part of the world three years ago.  We both feel that we have a better idea of what life in Thailand might be like and that will help us in our decision on whether or not we will spend some time living over there.  The trip this time was a little different for us in that we did not do as much of the tourist stuff with organize tours and the like.  We spent more time checking things out for ourselves and looking at things in more practical terms.  It will be interesting to see how we feel about life over there after some time passes.  One thing for sure, we still love that part of the world.

I've gone through some of the pictures that were taken and added a few random shots that I thought were interesting.  Hope you enjoy them and THANKS FOR CHECKING OUT THE BLOG.  I enjoy doing it and would only do it knowing that there is someone on the other end getting some enjoyment out it.
Bangkok Airport
Downtown Bangkok
Bangkok Shopping Centre


Awesome Thai Food and our Happy Restaurant Owner

Airport Hotel
Our Krabi Hotel

Krabi Oa Long Beach
Cruisin the Mountains

Karst Mountains

Super Model


 Various Hotel Rooms

Pattaya Street Action

                        Koh Samui Pool

Fishing Fleet Koh Samui

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