Thursday, April 18, 2013

Last Update From Thailand

Well, here we are back in Bangkok.  We had a great time in Krabi and have decided that it is now our favourite place to be in Thailand.  It is apparent that they recovered very well from the tsunami of 2004 and the place is much better than we remember it to be.

 The sidewalks in the flooded areas have been replaced and are amongst the few places where you can walk without falling into a hole in the sidewalk or tripping over the broken slabs... unlike most places we've been in Thailand.  The whole area is very plush and green with Karst Mountains covered in jungle overgrowth.. very picturesque.

When we first arrived here by plane from Koh Samui we took an airport shuttle to our hotel.  The ride was supposed to take about 30 minutes but instead took over four hours.

The Songkan Festival was still in full force when we got there and the streets were jammed with people in trucks loaded with water barrels and people on foot and on motorcycles all armed for water combat.  Added to the water, they mix coloured talcum powder to the water and smear the coloured powder all over each other as a good luck gesture.  Great fun, especially when we were seated inside a bus and out of reach of the revellers.  Had a great time taking pictures of it all and best of all the Thais love having their pictures taken.  If you ever get a chance to come over here, try to come during festival time.. never seen so many people having that much fun.. ever!

We really tried to do some relaxing during our stay here and I think we succeeded.  Did tons of walkabouts snooping in all the little shops and visited some of the local markets.  Rented another motorbike for a day and our timing couldn't have been worse.  We got caught in a rainstorm and almost drowned there was so much water.. when it rains here, it rains.. tons of rain.. like you can't see in front of you rain.  The only thing we could do was... wait for it... go for a massage!! Seems to solve most of our problems over here.  I got the all over oil massage and Shelly got a French Pedicure.  The other day we decided to work on our tans a little bit and fried ourselves... only thing to do was.. you got it.. get a massage.  They gave us the vitamin E and Aloe treatment and the burns just disappeared.  Going to miss the inexpensive massages that are available anywhere you go and I mean anywhere.  You can't go fifty feet without running into a massage shop.. lots of competition and of course the good prices.

Had a really easy trip up to Bangkok today with everything falling perfectly into place for us.  Nice plane ride, free shuttle from the airport we landed in to the other airport near where we are staying and then a free shuttle to our hotel.  Starting to think that we have things figured out over here.  Tonight we went out to the night market in this area... really kind of nice because it is totally away from the main areas of Bangkok and was truly a "local" market.. no English signs, only sight, sound and smells to determine our supper.  We tried a Tom Yum soup made right there in front of us with fresh seafood and noodles.. it was so good that we ordered a second batch... followed this up with coconut frappes.. yummy!

Tomorrow we are heading into Bangkok and one last shopping trip.  Shelly is going to try and find someone to take the frissy curl out of her hair and I will... wait for it... get a massage.. tough isn't it.
Koh Samui Airport
Koh Samui Airport
Koh Samui Airport

Our flight home leaves a 6:00am local time so we will have to be at the airport pretty early.  With the time change we will be home the same day around noon.  Not bad for 20 hours worth of flying.  Not looking forward to the trip but that the price we pay.  Might to do follow up blog once we get home.  Hope you enjoy the pictures of  Songkan and Krabi.. talk to you soon.

Koh Samui Airport

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